Saturday 30 June 2018


Just a few tweaks here and there to do and this picture will be finished. I still need a lot of practise with these paints, but I will still keep trying. A lot of artists say' just keep to what you like and are happy with'. But I will keep at it.


 This will be my next picture. Fell in love with the quirkiness of it and I will do this in my usual pastels. I think I must be into older gnarled people at the moment.

Theme for this week will still be with my love for animals. This week the 'big boys and girls' I look back at my childhood and feel very lucky to have grown up with some of these magnificent animals. What with the decline in certain species due to shooting, poaching, trophy hunting and wars, I feel saddened that one day there will be none of these animals for future generations to see.
As  many of you will know you my favourite animal is the elephant. To have stood near to one, and several times been warned off when in the car, and growing up with them around, they still are dear to me. When a youngster comes up to the car and tries to put it's trunk in the window, wow, that is something. To step out of your tent when on safari and step into the present left behind right at the door, yes well! Also shaking movements when the tent or rondavel is used as a back scratcher.

These buffalo you do have to be very wary of. They can have a mean temper. Might try painting one another time as I have not done one.

Stood near to one of these out in the wild, looking back now, madness.  You only live once.

These hippo's can be awesome to watch, but mind the teeth.  They can easily kill you if  scared and feel threatened when they have young ones  nearby.

                            Watching hippo's while you have breakfast, how great is that!


This little fellow was the one who put it's trunk up to the window.
Boy's will be boy's and push each other around. The clashing of the tusks made it seem worse than it was.

Join me again next week for some more of natures best.

                                              Take care and click on any picture to enlarge it.


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