Saturday 19 September 2020

 Started another stone this week.  Sitting out with a coffee and looking at the small pile of rocks we have collected, and seeing what comes to mind and with ideas from the internet, and just looking around the area.



Getting their spots!

Ladybirds all glued on now, waiting for glue to dry , which will no longer show,  I can then varnish the rock and put it in place on the wall.
Will show you that next time.

A lost life.

This little fellow, a baby bee-eater  flew into our door  and knocked itself out.  Picked it up and then holding it gently in my hand to warm it up, whilst gently stroking it's head. After a few minutes there was signs of life. We put it into a towel while fixing a little box it could stay in until ready to fly.
It perked up enough to move around although a little lopsided. I tried leaving some water in the nesting box, and a few insects. No interest in them.
The next morning it had flown out of the box, but still not quite right. We left it sitting under a tree, maybe more familiar surroundings for it, but sadly it was not strong enough and it's little soul went to join it's family flock of birds soaring around in the sky.

A recent painting I have done of these beautiful birds.


Another, and the very last cat gourd  to be going down to 'That Nice Shop' in Polis. As they are made with two gourds and  special shaped ones which we no longer have.

Stay safe and have a good week.

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